MixedBreed Dogs
5/28/08 10:15:14 AM -- Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A. -- "Rufus", an 11 year-old male, photographed in Colorado Springs, Co. Mars Veterinary is developing sophisticated genetic tests that will allow pet owners, veterinarians and care providers to gain insight into the genetic make up of their individual dog. Numerous mixed breed dogs were photographed in Colorado Springs, Co. and at the Teller County Regional Animal Shelter in Divide, Co. before having blood samples submitted for testing by Mars into their genetic background. The Mars Wisdom Panel MX Mixed Breed Analysis is the most comprehensive DNA-based mixed breed test for dogs and detects 134 AKC-recognized breeds. -- Photo by Marc Piscotty, Freelance.(Note : All ages of dogs are approximate best guesses by owners and animal shelter employees)
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