SHOT 10/25/15 9:57:39 AM - Tanner, a 12 year-old male Vizsla, takes in the morning sun while camping and mountain biking at Buffalo Creek with his owner. The Hungarian or Magyar Vizsla are sporting dogs and loyal companions, in addition to being the smallest of the all-round pointer-retriever breeds. The Vizsla's medium size is one of the breed's most appealing characteristics as a hunter of fowl and upland game, and through the centuries the Vizsla has held a rare position among sporting dogs – that of household companion and family dog. The Vizsla is a natural hunter endowed with an excellent nose and an outstanding trainability. It was bred to work in field, forest, or water. Although they are lively, gentle-mannered, demonstrably affectionate and sensitive, they are also fearless and possessed of a well-developed protective instinct. (Photo by Marc Piscotty / © 2015)
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