SHOT 2/9/18 10:01:43 AM - A likeness of San Judas Tadeo in a capilla near Las Mesitas, Mexico. Judas Thaddaeus (or San Judas Tadeo in Spanish) was one of the Twelve Apostles. A relative of Jesus, he was one of his first followers and after Christ's death, became an evangelizer. Depictions of this saint, especially in Mexico, include a medallion on the chest with Christ’s image (representing evangelism), a staff and a hatchet (reminder of martyrdom). Petitions often include help with personal problems, legal problems, work issues and family. He is also invoked to help find lost objects. The capillas are common along the roads and highways of Mexico which is heavily Catholic and are often dedicated to certain patron saints or to the memory of a loved one that has passed away. Often times they contain prayer candles, pictures, personal artifacts or notes. (Photo by Marc Piscotty / © 2018)
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