SHOT 2/14/11 1:52:59 PM - New bride Marie Leslie of Charlotte, N.C. makes her way down the mountain at Loveland Ski Area in Colorado at the 20th Annual Marry Me & Ski Free Mountaintop Matrimony on Valentine's Day Monday, February 14th. The mass wedding ceremony was held at noon at 12,050 feet outside of the Ptarmigan Roost Cabin at Loveland. More than 75 couples were pre-registered to get married or renew their vows high on The Continental Divide in this yearly Loveland tradition. Following the ceremony couples were invited to a casual reception complete with a champagne toast, wedding cake and music. Leslie was there to marry her fiance Lance Christiansen (in background in green). The two have been dating for two months and Christiansen said of the quick courtship, "we just kinda knew it was right". (Photo by Marc Piscotty © 2011)
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